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Is watching the sun dip down into the Pacific Ocean high on your to-do list? 看看圣地亚哥县的这些顶级日落景点吧

为什么每个人都喜欢在这里看日落 圣地亚哥? 因为看着海洋上的天空变色, 海滩, 城市的天际线是悠闲的圣地亚哥生活中美丽的一部分.

有很多地方可以欣赏如画的海滨日落, 几乎每一个棕榈树环绕的地方都可以被认为是一个好地方, 但也有一些比其他的更突出. 从市中心到北郡码头, here are the best sunset spots in 圣地亚哥 County—listed south to north.


去享受你最好的圣地亚哥日落体验, pick a clear day and give yourself plenty of time to find your spot before the sun goes down (be sure to check 当前日出和日落的时间). 记住:在圣地亚哥看日落很受欢迎, so plan to add a bit of time for parking and scouting out the best spot. 如果你要去海滨或屋顶餐厅, make a reservation to ensure you get a sunset seat—and time it so you sit down 30-45 minutes before the sun goes down. 如果你是徒步旅行或野餐, 自带食物或饮料, warmer clothing layers and potentially a light if it’s going to get dark before you make it back to your car.



地点: Coronado
很高兴知道: 科罗纳多酒店 坐落在科罗纳多海滩的南端. 沿海洋大道免费泊车, or you can pay $20 to self-park for two hours in the north garage at the hotel.

Coronado is known for its five sparkling white-sand 海滩 that stretch along the west side of the peninsula jutting into 圣地亚哥 Bay. Fun fact: The 海滩 sparkle because of the abundance of the mineral mica in the sand. 而科罗纳多海滩(也叫 中央海滩)是一个大问题。, 那里是观看圣地亚哥日落的好地方, 你也可以在这个著名的红顶度假胜地欣赏这场表演. 试试火坑旁边的鸡尾酒 太阳甲板酒店 或者是大的户外露台 巴布科克 & 的故事吧.



很高兴知道:The Embarcadero stretches along the water in downtown 圣地亚哥. 在市中心停车很困难, 虽然 there are several private lots and some street parking available around 滨水公园.

不管你想要什么样的日落体验, 你可以沿着圣地亚哥海湾找到它. 让孩子们在海滨公园的洒水器里玩耍. 看看那些高大的船 海事博物馆. 你甚至可以 巡航 出去在水上看日落. 或享受你的圣地亚哥日落从餐馆在 左边的码头: 双桅纵帆船烧烤 & 水龙头 在一个引人注目的玻璃圆顶内供应酒吧食物; 上桅帆 has a rooftop terrace and offers cocktails and seafood small plates; and Brigantine海鲜 & 牡蛎酒吧 以其屡获殊荣的鱼肉玉米饼而闻名.



地点: 使命湾
很高兴知道: 日落点,位于…旁边 米逊湾的达纳 hotel, has a small park and fire pits, and it tends to be a quieter spot for sunset picnicking. 这家旅馆有一个公共停车场,方便进出.

顾名思义, 日落点 (sometimes called 使命湾 Park) is a great place to watch the 圣地亚哥 sun go down. 藏在米逊湾附近 圣地亚哥海洋世界, the park has a small sandy beach with fire pits for an evening bonfire and a grassy park for picnics. 如果你想寻找更多的刺激,去桥对面的 使命海滩这是一个繁忙的社区,有一条长长的海滨木板路. Or 租独木舟一边在米申湾划船一边看日落.



地点: Point Loma
很高兴知道: 日落崖自然公园 是一个狭窄的1.沿着洛马角西海岸绵延5英里的悬崖, 南端有一个主要的公园, 在Ladera街. You can park there or at the small lot at Osprey Street or at the parking spots at Luscomb Point.

Arrive early to find your perfect 圣地亚哥 sunset spot at these iconic cliffs. 悬崖顶上有一条小路, 沿着楼梯在几个地方走下去到海滩, 或者只是在草地上铺一张野餐毯. 如果潮汐是负的, then the 日落悬崖 Caves below Luscomb Point can be quiet and beautiful. 日落崖的北面是 海洋海滩 码头,南边是 卡布里洛国家纪念碑-两者都是不错的日落选择.



地点: 拉霍亚
很高兴知道: With an entrance at the end of Nautilus Street in 拉霍亚, 温丹西是一个相对隐蔽的地方, 但是在日出和日落的时候会很拥挤. 在附近的街道或海王星广场的景点停车.

拉霍亚当地最受欢迎的日落, 温丹西海滩是一个风景如画的地区,有岩石悬崖, 白色沙滩, 还有退潮时的潮池. 激流可以很猛烈, 虽然, 所以当你看到有经验的冲浪者在海浪上时, 在弄湿之前要小心行事. 圣地亚哥的夕阳西下, this little oasis becomes golden-tinged and looks like you stepped into a photograph.



很高兴知道:The Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial 每天营业到晚上10点.m. 门票是免费的.

Standing atop 索莱达山 gives you a 360-degree perspective from the highest coastal point in 圣地亚哥, creating a perfect view of the sun setting over both the ocean and the mountains to the east. 在拉霍亚的山顶上坐落着29英尺高的山. Soledad cross,这个版本在那里已经存在了一个多世纪.


Torrey Pines

很高兴知道: Take Torrey Pines Park Road north of UCSD and park at the visitor’s center. 多利松州自然保护区 does close after sunset, so make your way quickly and safely (with lights!太阳一落山,你就回到你的车里. 狗或宠物不得入内. 不管你带什么垃圾进来,都要带出去.

多利松覆盖1,500 acres of land preserved for the original habitats and animals of the area, 包括罕见的托利松. The reserve is made up of a gorgeous state beach and miles of cliffs and trails. One of the best places in 圣地亚哥 to catch the sunset is at the top of those cliffs, 在剃刀角小径上. Starting from the trailhead at the visitor’s center, it’s a little under 1.离剃刀角还有5英里, where you’ll be rewarded with dramatic views of the cliffs over the ocean. (The beach trail heads down to the water for an alternate sunset 圣地亚哥 spot.)


很高兴知道:There’s a small parking lot off Highway 101 at the top of the beach. 走长长的楼梯下到水边. 如果停车场已满,附近还有社区停车场.

斯瓦米海滩的楼梯 attracts fitness enthusiasts most mornings and surfers whenever there’s a big swell—it’s a world-famous spot. 它也是一个观看日落的好地方. 悬崖边棕榈树的组合, 沙滩, 前景中的波浪骑手使圣地亚哥的日落变得完美. You can park at the top of the cliffs and walk down the long steep staircase to the beach or admire the view from your perch up above.


地点: 埃斯孔迪多
很高兴知道:在 Cordiano酒厂 before you go; parking is available at the winery. Take in the views on the drive along Highland Valley Road and bring warm clothes for when the sun goes down.

高地谷,位于丘陵地带 埃斯孔迪多 in 圣地亚哥’s North County, features a handful of wineries that double as great sunset destinations. Cordiano serves a range of red, white, and dessert wines along with a menu of pasta and pizzas. The wine and food are served on an outdoor patio where there are heaters and blankets available if it gets chilly. 时间限制在两个小时内, but that should be plenty to admire an inland  take on a 圣地亚哥 County sunset.



地点: 海滨
很高兴知道:The 海边码头 is a popular meeting spot located right off the Strand in downtown 海滨. 检查 欧申赛德城市停车地图 城市地段.

建于1988年的海滨,长1942英尺 木墩 is one of the longest on the West Coast, giving you lots of space to catch a sunset over the Pacific. 位于圣地亚哥北部,彭德尔顿军营附近, 海滨已发展成为一个热闹的海滨小镇, 拥有众多的海滩, 精品店, 啤酒厂, 和餐馆. 在你看完圣地亚哥最美的日落之后, get dinner at one of the many restaurants and 啤酒厂 on Mission Avenue. 你好,贝蒂 提供经典的酒吧食物 手工海岸啤酒 & 炸玉米饼 提供巴哈风格的玉米饼搭配当地啤酒.

Sunsets in 圣地亚哥 are popular because there’s something pretty special about watching the colors of the sky change over the Pacific Ocean. If you’re looking for more places to watch the sun drop below the horizon, check out 去哪里看拉霍亚日落. And if this inspired you to admire the water and 圣地亚哥 view at all times of day, head to one of 最好的屋顶酒吧 or 海滨餐厅 在城里,当太阳还在天上的时候放松一下.



